Paying more each month or making additional one-time payments may help lower your Total Loan Cost and reduce your repayment term. Below, you can calculate estimates of how much time and money you could save by increasing your monthly payment or making an additional one-time payment.
Projected one-time paymentProjected monthly payment
Scheduled Payment Amount: $250.00
Here’s how making a one-time payment will affect your loan balance and the amount of interest you’ll have paid on your loan.
Here’s how changing your monthly payment amount will affect your loan balance and the amount of interest you’ll have paid on your loan.
Here’s how your one-time payment will affect your projected payoff date.
Here’s how changing your monthly payment amount will affect your projected payoff date.
Projected one-time payment of$0.00
Savings based on maintaining regular monthly payments after this one-time payment with no additional incurred fees. Your one-time payment will reduce the Current Amount Due on your next billing statement(s), however you must continue to make your regular monthly payments to meet the modelled goals above. Your one-time payment will be applied first toward your unpaid fees, then toward outstanding interest, and then toward your remaining principal. You can scale back your monthly payments to Minimum Due amount at any time, however this will increase your loan costs and time to pay off the loan.
Make this payment
Projected monthly payment of$0.00
Savings based on maintaining the new monthly payment amount through the remainder of the loan with no additional incurred fees. Your monthly payment will be applied first toward your unpaid fees, then toward outstanding interest, and then toward your remaining principal. Your overpayment amount will reduce the Current Amount Due on your next billing statement(s) unless you instruct us otherwise. You can scale back your monthly payments to Minimum Due amount at any time, however this will increase your loan costs and time to pay off the loan.
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